I'm writing a program to read a game's memory as it runs. I want to avoid the game noticing me however, since it might behave differently under observation. Is it possible for processes to detect the act of me inspecting it's memory from another process?
This is the method I'm using to inspect it:
// this is how I gain the target process's handle
HANDLE findHandle(const wchar * exeFilename) {
entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
HANDLE target = NULL;
HANDLE snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL);
if (Process32First(snapshot, &entry) == TRUE) {
while (Process32Next(snapshot, &entry) == TRUE) {
if (wcscmp(entry.szExeFile, exeFilename) == 0) {
target = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, entry.th32ProcessID);
return target;
// dst = destination buffer that the other process's memory is read into
// src = source address from within the other process
// hProcess = handle of the process we are inspecting
// protectedAccess = this allows us around some obstacle, though I'm not sure what/how specifically?
// returns the amount of memory read successfully
size_t patchedRead(char* dst, char* src, uint32 size, HANDLE hProcess, bool protectedAccess) {
SIZE_T readTotal = 0;
if (protectedAccess) {
DWORD oldprotect;
if(!VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, src, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldprotect))
return 0;
ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, src, dst, size, &readTotal);
if(!VirtualProtectEx(hProcess, src, size, oldprotect, &oldprotect))
return 0;
} else {
ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, src, dst, size, &readTotal);
return size_t(readTotal);
It's not possible to detect a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory but it is possible to detect the preceding OpenProcess that is needed to gain access.