I am trying to create a dialog that displays a object in a dynamic manner in an adaptive card. Dynamic as in I don't know what the object keys are, how many keys there are, etc. Assuming that the object will not have nested arrays or other objects (basically the object will look like a map), how can I extract all the keys and put them in an array?
An example of an object that I wish to extract the keys from :
"symbol": "MSFT",
"companyName": "Microsoft Corporation",
"primaryExchange": "Nasdaq Global Select",
"sector": "Technology",
"calculationPrice": "close",
"open": 127.42,
"openTime": 1556890200,
"close": 128.9,
"closeTime": 1556913600,
"high": 129.43,
"low": 127.25,
"latestPrice": 128.9,
"latestSource": "Close",
"latestTime": "May 3, 2019",
"latestUpdate": 1556913600,
"latestVolume": 24835154,
"iexRealtimePrice": null,
"iexRealtimeSize": null,
"iexLastUpdated": null,
"delayedPrice": 128.9,
"delayedPriceTime": 1556913600,
"extendedPrice": 129.04,
"extendedChange": 0.14,
"extendedChangePercent": 0.00109,
"extendedPriceTime": 1556917190,
"previousClose": 126.21,
"change": 2.69,
"changePercent": 0.02131,
"iexMarketPercent": null,
"iexVolume": null,
"avgTotalVolume": 22183270,
"iexBidPrice": null,
"iexBidSize": null,
"iexAskPrice": null,
"iexAskSize": null,
"marketCap": 987737229888,
"peRatio": 30.84,
"week52High": 131.37,
"week52Low": 93.96,
"ytdChange": 0.30147812013916003
Use the select prebuilt function from Adaptive Expressions.
It would be something like:
select(myobject, x, x.key)
and assigning that to a new property (or however you need to use that array).
You can test this out further by using the expressions playground: https://playgroundclient.azurewebsites.net/
I ran a quick test with the expression:
select(myobject, x, x.key)
And my data/properties as:
"myobject": {
"symbol": "MSFT",
"companyName": "Microsoft Corporation",
"primaryExchange": "Nasdaq Global Select",
"sector": "Technology",
"calculationPrice": "close"
And I get the result:
Please let me know if I misunderstood your requirement/question. And if this answers your question; please mark as answered.