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How to exclude empty params?

i'm building an url using flurl. This is an example of what i am doing:

var res = baseUrl.AppendPathSegment(a).SetQueryParam(b);

I would like to make flurl skip adding "a" or "b" when they are string.empty. Is that possible?

At the moment i see that flurl is adding "a" and "b" to the url even if they are empty.

Thank you


  • Let's test a few scenarios:


    Result:, which (if I understand you correctly) is exactly what you want. But, AppendPathSegment will throw an exception if you pass null, so I would suggest this in your case:

    baseUrl.AppandPathSegment(a ?? "")

    Next up:

    "".AppendPathSegment("").SetQueryParam("x", null)

    Also leaves you with But an empty string value (instead of null) will append ?x=, so you may need to replace any empty string with null in this case.

    However, it looks like you're using the less-common overload of AppendQueryParam that takes a single argument.


    In both cases the result is The server shouldn't behave differently in this case than it would without the ?, but if you're finding that's not true in your case, then Flurl doesn't have a built-in way to deal with it. You'll need to either avoid it with an if statement or use TrimEnd('?') on the string result.