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Passing a memoized function to onPress of a component issue

Assume I have the following component:

        onPress={() => func(x)}

and func() defined as follows:

const func = (x) => {console.log("help please")}

This work as it should. However, once I memoize func() as follows:

const func = useMemo(()=>throttle(500,true, (x)=>{console.log("help please")}

I get the following error:

TypeError: callback.apply is not a function. (In 'callback.apply(self, arguments_)', 'callback.apply' is undefined)

Note: throttle was imported:

import { throttle } from "throttle-debounce";


  • Try removing the true argument as it isn't specified in the docs

    throttle(500, (x)=>{console.log("help please")