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WPF - PropertyChanged EventHandler not firing

I'm having a problem with subscribing to PropertyChangedEventHandler event of a property on a bound instance of my class.

Here is the setup:


<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding MyObservableClassInstance.BooleanProperty}"/>

DataContext class property:

public MyObservableClass MyObservableClassInstance 
    get { return _myClassInstance; }
        _myClassInstance= value;
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MyObservableClassInstance"));

the initialisation and subscription to PropertyChanged event (this subscribed method is never reached):

MyObservableClassInstance = new MyObservableClass();
MyObservableClassInstance.PropertyChanged += OnMyObservableClassPropertyChanged; // <--- This method is never hit

my observable class: (the BooleanProperty is working normally with the the XAML checkbox binding)

public class MyObservableClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
    bool _mybool = false;
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public bool BooleanProperty
        get { return _mybool; }
            _mybool = value;
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("BooleanProperty")); // <--- This is reached normally on checking/unchecking the checkbox

So why is my OnMyObservableClassPropertyChanged method never reached upon Invoking the PropertyChanged event?


  • You have to attach (and detach) the handler method to the PropertyChanged event whenever the MyObservableClass property value changes.

    public MyObservableClass MyObservableClassInstance 
        get { return _myClassInstance; }
            if (_myClassInstance != null)
                _myClassInstance.PropertyChanged -= OnMyObservableClassPropertyChanged;
            _myClassInstance = value;
            if (_myClassInstance != null)
                _myClassInstance.PropertyChanged += OnMyObservableClassPropertyChanged;
                this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(MyObservableClassInstance)));