Using Snowflake, I want to get the daily stock for the last 7 days. Columns I have in this table are: product_ID, date, and quantity
my desired out put should look like the following:
product_ID DATE Quantity
82471 2022-07-14 40
82471 2022-07-15 35
82471 2022-07-16 34
82471 2022-07-17 50
82471 2022-07-18 53
82471 2022-07-19 51
82471 2022-07-20 40
Any ideas how to reach this output? :)
I don't know if you need to aggregate your data, but based on your input, something like this may work:
select product_id, date, Quantity
from mytable
where "DATE" > dateadd( 'days', -7, current_date )
order by product_id, date DESC;