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Customizing a serializer of Djoser

I created two customized serializers for the user_create and current_user endpoints in Djoser. I also wanted to have re_password field in user register. But when I add "USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_RETYPE": True in the settings of Djoser, my serializer for create user doesn't work and default serializer works. Could you tell me where is the problem?

here is my serializer:

from djoser.serializers import UserSerializer as BaseUserSerializer, UserCreateSerializer as BaseUserCreateSerializer

class UserCreateSerializer(BaseUserCreateSerializer):    
    class Meta(BaseUserCreateSerializer.Meta):
        fields = ['id', 'username', 'password', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name']

class UserSerializer(BaseUserSerializer):
    class Meta(BaseUserSerializer.Meta):
        fields = ['id', 'username', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'password']

and here is settings of Djoser:

        'user_create': 'core.serializers.UserCreateSerializer',
        'current_user': 'core.serializers.UserSerializer',


  • Finally I inherited from UserCreatePasswordRetypeSerializer instead of UserCreateSerializer to have both re_password field and my customized serializer. And also I deleted "USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_RETYPE": True from settings and it works properly.