So I'm converting an old Knockout blade to react, and I need to add multiple validations to a FluentUI TextField component. The example picture is what these validations should look like, but as of now, I have not been able to find an example of someone doing something similar with this component. I attached what I am currently using for the name field as that only requires one validation, but any help would be greatly appreciated. I am still relatively new to React/TypeScript so please bear that in mind.
const nameValidation = new RegExp("^$|^[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9]{4,48}[A-Za-z0-9]$");
const validateAndGetError = (value:string): string => {
return nameValidation.test(value) ? "" : ClientResources.Error.Message.validationEntityNameInvalid;
// the textfield is receiving the validate through onGetErrorMessage
<TextField styles={fieldStyles} placeholder={props.nameFieldPlaceholder} onGetErrorMessage={validateAndGetError} validateOnFocusOut onChange={(_, n) => setName(n)} />
Inside FluentUI Documentation you have an example for solution you are looking for. Focus is on section TextField error message variations:
// Custom validation:
const validation = (value: string) => {
const x = 'Value must be Marko'
const y = 'Put five characters'
const errors = []
if (value !== 'Marko' && value.length !== 5) {
errors.push(x, y)
} else if (value !== 'Marko' && value.length === 5) {
} else if (value === 'Marko' && value.length !== 5) {
return errors;
// Render list of errors:
const getValidationErrors = (value: string) =>
{validation(value).map((x, i) =>
<Stack key={i} verticalAlign="center" horizontal tokens={richErrorStackTokens}>
<Icon iconName="Error" styles={richErrorIconStyles} />
<Text variant="smallPlus">{x}</Text>
label="Your name"
Codepen working example.