I have duration data like this:
| id| start_time| ts_utc|stream_duration_total|
| 33|2022-07-03 00:07:20|2022-07-06 11:10:34| 298994|
What I need is data with one row per day for all days within the stream duration (from start_time until start_time + stream_duration_total) with stream_duration_total split among the days.
id start_time ts_utc dt stream_duration_total
33 2022-07-03 00:07:20 2022-07-06 11:10:34 2022-07-03 85959
33 2022-07-03 00:07:20 2022-07-06 11:10:34 2022-07-04 86400
33 2022-07-03 00:07:20 2022-07-06 11:10:34 2022-07-05 86400
33 2022-07-03 00:07:20 2022-07-06 11:10:34 2022-07-06 40235
A solution of pyspark
# start of udf parse_date_range
def parse_date_range(start_date, end_date):
dates = []
for i in range((end_date - start_date).days + 1):
dates.append( start_date + timedelta(days=i) )
return dates
# end of udf parse_date_range
df = spark.createDataFrame([(33, "2022-07-03 00:07:20","2022-07-06 11:10:34")], ['id', 'start_time', 'ts_utc'])\
.withColumn("start_time", col("start_time").cast("timestamp"))\
.withColumn("ts_utc", col("ts_utc").cast("timestamp"))
# root
# |-- id: long (nullable = true)
# |-- start_time: timestamp (nullable = true)
# |-- ts_utc: timestamp (nullable = true)
df = df.withColumn("split_date", parse_date_range(col("start_time"), col("ts_utc")))\
.withColumn("split_date", explode(col("split_date")))\
.withColumn("stream_duration_total", when(col("start_time").cast("date") == col("split_date"), 86399 + col("split_date").cast("timestamp").cast("long") - col("start_time").cast("long"))
.when(col("ts_utc").cast("date") == col("split_date"), 1 + col("ts_utc").cast("long") - col("split_date").cast("timestamp").cast("long"))
| id| start_time| ts_utc|split_date|stream_duration_total|
| 33|2022-07-03 00:07:20|2022-07-06 11:10:34|2022-07-03| 85959|
| 33|2022-07-03 00:07:20|2022-07-06 11:10:34|2022-07-04| 86400|
| 33|2022-07-03 00:07:20|2022-07-06 11:10:34|2022-07-05| 86400|
| 33|2022-07-03 00:07:20|2022-07-06 11:10:34|2022-07-06| 40235|