How to achieve this feature in datagrid?
please see this software/application
here a saw a feature like if Enter is pressed on a element in a row like structure it presents another table again if enter is pressed again another Datagrid like table comes and If Esc is pressed then it gets back to parent where you pressed Enter button.
So how it is done in C# WPF. I know only datagrid is there any thing like datagrid alternatives or with datagrid it can be achieved!
In Tally its called report drilling
When you select Item and press Enter, it will redirect to another report
For Ex: In Balance Sheet , If you click enter on particular ledger , it will be redirected to Ledger Monthly report Page, if you select particular month then redirected to Ledger Vouchers
In Tally all these are reports which can be accessed directly - Balance Sheet, ledger monthly summary, Ledger Vouchers
By clicking on Item in Main Report A parameter is send to Child Report then filter is applied and redirected to child report
If you want the same mechanism, then first you need to create every report individually, report should filter based on arguments provided
Then you can add onclick event handler and call child reports on selection or add key handlers to do this on pressing enter