How to programmatically simulate Control-Click on a table view row to display the table context menu and the clickedRow border? Just like the Notes app does on clicking the ellipsis button.
I was able to trigger the menu by:
let point = tableView.convert(NSApp.currentEvent!.locationInWindow, from: nil)
let row = tableView.row(at: point)!.item(at: 0), at: point, in: tableView)
But can't figure out a simple way of drawing the clicked row border and setting the table view's clickedRow.
Well, I was pretty close. Seems like menu(for: NSEvent) -> NSMenu?
does the trick:
@IBAction func showContextMenu(_ sender: NSButton!) {
guard let event = NSApp.currentEvent,
let menu = event) else {
NSMenu.popUpContextMenu(menu, with: event, for: tableView)