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How to update rows in a BigQuery table using airflow

I am coding a DAG and want to execute an UPDATE statement to selectively set the values of certain fields in certain rows. The SQL statement is easy, but I am not sure how to execute it via Airflow.

The documentation on BigQueryUpdateTableOperator here says that the entire dataset will be replaced. I tried searching for a long time and could not find the right operator.

I tried putting an UPDATE statement in BigQueryInsertJobOperator and that threw an error.

How do I execute an UPDATE query on BigQuery via Airflow? My DAG is within a GCP Composer environment.


  • I used BigQueryInsertJobOperator and was able to use UPDATE statement by storing it in an SQL file and then calling the sql file in the query parameter.

    Please see below code I used in my testing:

    from airflow import models
    from import BigQueryInsertJobOperator
    from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
    dag_id = "update-dag"
    my_final_taskid = 'update-bq'
    sql_file = 'my-query.sql'
    with models.DAG(
        schedule_interval=None,  # Override to match your needs
    ) as dag:
       update_bq_table = BigQueryInsertJobOperator(
                "query": {
                    "query": sql_file,
                    "useLegacySql": False,

    Content of my my-query.sql:

    update your-dataset.your-table set your_column = 'string' where another_column = 'string';