Frnakly, it looks like black magic to me. Granted, my knowledge of Haskell is fairly limited, but I can understand basic principles. Just because it makes matters that much easier I try to work through a test input, but in this case it still doesn't make sense.
Background: About a year ago I posted this question (Are recursive calls in my "permutations with repetition" code accumulated to clog the RAM?) about a piece of permutation generation code I was trying to get working. I received quite a lot of help from this wonderful community and went on with my project. However, there was one last answer I didn't think much of at the time, from user "peter pun" that I revisited recently.
Part of the answer, the important one, that generates permutations is this
permutationsNub :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
permutationsNub = foldr (concatMap . insert) [[]]
where insert y = foldr combine [[y]] . (zip <*> tail . tails) -- tails through importing Data.List
where combine (x, xs) xss = (y : x : xs) :
if y == x then [] else map (x :) xss
Allow me to reform the function in a way that makes more sense for me, so that I can see every argument and refer to it, because of partial application in the original and variable names that confused me. Please tell me if the interpretation is correct.
permutationsNub :: Eq a => [a] -> [[[a]]]
permutationsNub digits = scanr (concatMap . insert) [[]] digits
where insert digit perms = foldr combine [[digit]] $ (zip <*> tail . tails) perms -- zip will produce tuples of the form (a, [a])
where combine (permX, tailOfPerms) digitAsDoubleList = (digit : permX : tailOfPerms) :
if digit == permX then [] else map (permX :) digitAsDoubleList
I replaced the main foldr function with scanr (the output type also) to see intermediate steps, so if I run permutationNub [2,7,7,8]
the result is [[[2,7,7,8],[7,2,7,8],[7,7,2,8],[7,7,8,2],[2,7,8,7],[7,2,8,7],[7,8,2,7],[7,8,7,2],[2,8,7,7],[8,2,7,7],[8,7,2,7],[8,7,7,2]],[[7,7,8],[7,8,7],[8,7,7]],[[7,8],[8,7]],[[8]],[[]]]
which gives some insight.
So, I have to ask:
First of all, why is applicative notation (<*>
) used next to zip
? Is it dictated by the use of point free notation? How do applicatives creep into this?
My renaming of variables so that they make sense to me seems fine, because the function works, aka produces the same output as the original. However, some things are strange, e.g how can digit
ever be equal to permX
as per the comparison check in the combine
function? The former is an Int and the latter is a [Int], otherwise cons-ing like digit:permX:...
in the same function wouldn't work, right? For example, if we call permutationNub [2,7,7,8]
, on the second pass of the main foldr (or scanr) function, digit will be 7
and permX will [8]
, so how can these two ever be equal?
It gets stranger from here. Well, both of them can then be cons-ed to tailOfPerms, which is an [[Int]], but then this whole thing, enclosed in brackets is cons-ed to an ... [[Int]]? Again?
Actually, map (permX :) digitAsDoubleList
doesn't seem to work (yet, somehow it does...) because we're trying to map [Int] to a [[Int]], as is the result, and then cons to that the previous [[Int]], which I don't see how it could fit.
For example, on the second pass of the permutationNub, with 7 as the next digit, picked by the main foldr/scanr function, first pass of
insert` will be (7:[8]:[]):[[8]:[[7]]], which I can't make sense of.
If anyone can shed some light into this piece of coding wizardry, please do so!
This algorithm is just a modification of the classic insertion-based one, which you can find for example in Rosetta Code. To my surprise, despite its simplicity, I wasn't able to find it mentioned anywhere.
First of all, for the insertions, instead of using explicit recursion (considered harmful), I simulated, somewhat clumsily, a paramorphism for lists. Then I found that, if we stop producing insertions after finding an occurrence of the value to be inserted, we can prevent the creation of duplicates while at the same time producing every permutation. I hope the following code clarifies things:
parafoldr :: ((a, [a]) -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
parafoldr f y xs = foldr f y $ zip xs $ tail $ tails xs
insertions :: a -> [a] -> [[a]]
insertions y = parafoldr combine [[y]]
where combine (x, xs) xss = (y : x : xs) : map (x :) xss
--or equivalently
insertions y xs = (y : xs) : (parafoldr combine [] xs)
where combine (x, xs) xss = (x : y : xs) : map (x :) xss
permutations :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations = foldr (concatMap . insertions) [[]]
insertions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
insertions' y = parafoldr combine [[y]]
where combine (x, xs) xss = (y : x : xs) :
if x == y then [] else map (x :) xss
--or equivalently
insertions' y xs = (y : xs) : (parafoldr combine [] xs)
where combine (x, xs) xss
| x == y = []
| otherwise = (x : y : xs) : map (x :) xss
permutationsNub :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
permutationsNub = foldr (concatMap . insertions') [[]]
It's not too hard to show by induction that:
, permutationsNub
produces every permutation that permutations
produces and, of course, no other listspermutationsNub
are pairwise differentBut actually, I arrived at this algorithm indirectly. Permutations fit naturally in a relational setting (look at the answer's end for references). In the following I use an informal pseudo-Haskell notation to write about relations. I denote by a ~> b
the type of relations from a
to b
. I write r(x, y)
when r
relates x
to y
. When defining a relation, I suppose that the relation defined is the least one satisfying the given conditions. I denote by relfoldr
) the operation of relational catamorphism (anamorphism) for lists and by converse
(guess what) the converse operation.
So consider the following relations:
permutation :: [a] ~> [a]
; permutation(x, y)
if y
is a permutation of x
insertion :: Maybe (a, [a]) ~> [a]
; insertion(Nothing, [])
and insertion(Just (x, xs), xs')
if xs'
results from inserting x
somewhere in xs
same as insertion
but with "xs'
results from inserting x
somewhere in xs
but not after an occurrence of it "selection :: [a] ~> Maybe (a, [a])
; selection([], Nothing)
and selection(xs, Just (x, xs'))
if xs'
results from deleting an occurrence of x
in xs
same as selection
but with "xs'
results from deleting the first occurrence of x
in xs
"Notice that permutation == converse permutation
, insertion == converse selection
and insertion' == converse selection'
. Knowing that relfoldr (converse r) == converse (relunfoldr r)
, I proceeded roughly as follows:
permutation ==
relfoldr insertion ==
converse (relunfoldr selection) ==
converse (relunfoldr selection') ==
relfoldr insertion'
The first equality is known. Because of the symmetry of permutation
we have permutation == relunfoldr selection
, which helps us justify that relunfoldr selection == relunfoldr selection'
and thus the third equality.
Now, with a bit of imagination, we can see that:
relunfoldr selection
gives the classic selection-based algorithmrelunfoldr selection'
gives a similar selection-based algorithm that doesn't create duplicatesrelfoldr insertion
gives the classic insertion-based algorithm (named permutations
above)relfoldr insertion'
gives a similar insertion-based algorithm that doesn't create duplicates (named permutationsNub
above)Some advantages of the insertion-based no-duplicate algorithm over the selection-based one are that:
Ord a
, Hashable a
or Int
instead of just Eq a
Before answering the old question, I made an attempt to simulate several things from REL in CPO and implement them in Haskell but I found out that there were some limitations and a lot of details that I needed to work out. I was also interested in properly handling infinity via laziness but some tricks I tried, like diagonalization/dovetailing and using NonEmpty
lists, didn't work and I wasn't sure about the appropriate theoretical framework either. I might revisit this area some time, if I find the time/energy/motivation.
Finally, here are a few references: