I am fairly new with MongoDB, so apologizes for what might be a basic question.
I have a bunch of documents in a collection (call it CollA
), and taking a subset of it and the particular field in question would look like:
docs = [
{Value: "1,000,000+"},
{Value: "40,000"},
{Value: "2,000,000+"},
{Value: 500000},
{Value: 400000}]
Note the mixed float and string datatypes within the field "Value".
I am trying to find a way to:
on it)The desired output would be
docs = [
{Value: 1,000,000,
Truncated: true},
{Value: 40,000},
{Value: 2,000,000,
Truncated: true}},
{Value: 500000},
{Value: 400000}]
So now they would all be "doubles", and the new field would be there in the documents where the "+" existed.
Thanks so much!
[{"$not": [{"$eq": [{"$type": "$Value"}, "string"]}]},
{"Value": {"$toDouble": "$Value"}},
{"vars": {"parts": {"$split": ["$Value", "+"]}},
{"input": {"$arrayElemAt": ["$$parts", 0]},
"find": ",",
"replacement": ""}}}},
[{"$arrayElemAt": ["$$parts", 1]},
{"Value": "$$parts1", "Truncated": true},
{"Value": "$$parts1"}]}}}}}]}}}])