I have been seeing many warnings from sklearn type e.g:
FutureWarning: Feature names only support names that are all strings. Got feature names with dtypes: ['MyNewNames']. An error will be raised in 1.2.
while using StrEnum for the names of my features in regression anylises. I wrote the following code to ilustrate the case:
from enum import auto
from strenum import StrEnum
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets, linear_model
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
class MyNewNames(StrEnum):
MyCrim = auto()
MyZN = auto()
MyIndus = auto()
class ComputeRegression():
def SetUP(self,df:pd.DataFrame):
variables = [[MyNewNames.MyCrim,MyNewNames.MyZN],[MyNewNames.MyCrim,MyNewNames.MyIndus]]
for value in variables:
dX = df[value]
dY = df["AGE"]
def ComputeRegression(self,dX,dY):
model = linear_model.LinearRegression()
model.fit(X = dX, y = dY)
predicted = model.predict(dX) # I see warnings when calling this line
boston = datasets.load_boston()
df = pd.DataFrame(data= boston['data'], columns= boston['feature_names'])
df[MyNewNames.MyCrim] = df["CRIM"]
df[MyNewNames.MyZN] = df["ZN"]
df[MyNewNames.MyIndus] = df["INDUS"]
cr = ComputeRegression()
It seems the issue is when I create a new column in the dataframe using the StrEnum, since when I change the following part of the code to:
df[MyNewNames.MyCrim.value] = df["CRIM"]
df[MyNewNames.MyZN.value] = df["ZN"]
df[MyNewNames.MyIndus.value] = df["INDUS"]
The warnings disapear. Can anyone explain to me why creating a new dataframe column with an enum "MyNewNames.Something" causes issues with the naming of the df column, while accessing a column like df[MyNewNames.MyIndus] is not a problem ?
The likely cause is that sklearn
is doing a type check instead of an isinstance check for column names. That is:
if type(column_name) is str
instead of
if isinstance(column_name, str)