I have a table like this
Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D |
A | x | 1 | k1 |
B | k | 2 | k2 |
C | z | 3 | k3 |
D | y | 4 | k4 |
I would like to write a script which selects a specific string and gives me back that row. For example, I want to see the rows which contains "A", which can be in every column. I tried str_detect, but you have to specify the column in the data frame which I don't want to. Also it would be perfect to have it selecting different strings, like look for "A", "3" and "y" with this output:
Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D |
A | x | 1 | k1 |
C | z | 3 | k3 |
D | y | 4 | k4 |
We could use if_any
with str_detect
df1 %>%
filter(if_any(everything(), ~ str_detect(.x, 'A|3|y')))
ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC ColumnD
1 A x 1 k1
2 C z 3 k3
3 D y 4 k4
Or using base R
with a non-regex solution
subset(df1, Reduce(`|`, lapply(df1, \(x) x %in% c('A', 3, 'y'))))
ColumnA ColumnB ColumnC ColumnD
1 A x 1 k1
3 C z 3 k3
4 D y 4 k4
df1 <- structure(list(ColumnA = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), ColumnB = c("x",
"k", "z", "y"), ColumnC = 1:4, ColumnD = c("k1", "k2", "k3",
"k4")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))