I want to be able to install packages that exist in an Azure Artifacts feed.
I know this can be done using a command similar to this,
pip install <package-name> --extra-index-url https://<feed-name>:<DEVOPS_TOKEN>@pkgs.dev.azure.com/<org-name>/<project-name>/_packaging/<feed-name>/pypi/simple/
However, is there some way that I can maintain these packages and their versions in something like a requirements.txt
file and then install all of them using a single command like pip install -r requirements.txt
The only way I got this to work is by including the --extra-index-url
argument at the top of my requirements.txt
If I am to borrow from the answer @sachin has posted, it needed to be like this,
--extra-index-url https://:@pkgs.dev.azure.com///_packaging//pypi/simple/