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Can the CSS :part pseudo-selector be used to style nested web components?

When creating Web Components with encapsulated styles using Shadow DOM, parts of the shadowed markup can be styled using the ::part pseudo selector (

Can the part selector be used to target nested shadow parts?

    <div part="thats-easy"></div>
    <another-custom-element part="proxy-part">
        <div part="target-me"></div>

Current efforts were fruitless:

another-custom-element::part(target-me) { }
custom-element::part(proxy-part) another-custom-element::part(target-me) { }
custom-element::part(proxy-part another-custom-element::part(target-me)) { }
custom-element::part(proxy-part::part(target-me)) { }


  • Fun twist, it is possible and TIL about exportparts

    Example 1

      mux-player::part(textspan) { color: red; }
      <template shadowrootmode="open">
        <media-poster-image exportparts="poster, img, innerspan: textspan">
          <template shadowrootmode="open">
            <img part="poster img" src="...">
            <span part="innerspan">
              This text will be red because the containing shadow host forwards innerspan to the document as "textspan" and the document style matches it.
            <span part="textspan">
              This text will not be red because textspan in the document style cannot match against the part inside the inner custom element if it is not forwarded.

    Example 2

    Example in production with multiple nested custom elements with CSS parts.