When creating Web Components with encapsulated styles using Shadow DOM, parts of the shadowed markup can be styled using the ::part pseudo selector (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/::part).
Can the part selector be used to target nested shadow parts?
<div part="thats-easy"></div>
<another-custom-element part="proxy-part">
<div part="target-me"></div>
Current efforts were fruitless:
another-custom-element::part(target-me) { }
custom-element::part(proxy-part) another-custom-element::part(target-me) { }
custom-element::part(proxy-part another-custom-element::part(target-me)) { }
custom-element::part(proxy-part::part(target-me)) { }
Fun twist, it is possible and TIL about exportparts
mux-player::part(textspan) { color: red; }
<template shadowrootmode="open">
<media-poster-image exportparts="poster, img, innerspan: textspan">
<template shadowrootmode="open">
<img part="poster img" src="...">
<span part="innerspan">
This text will be red because the containing shadow host forwards innerspan to the document as "textspan" and the document style matches it.
<span part="textspan">
This text will not be red because textspan in the document style cannot match against the part inside the inner custom element if it is not forwarded.
Example in production with multiple nested custom elements with CSS parts.