I am using this SfCartesianChart in flutter and here I want to show the legend name horizontally on top of the chart like father, mother, son, and daughter. I don't want to show it vertically. and I also want to change the icon which presents the legend name. I want to show it in the color fill box in front of the legend name. like giving an example image.
how can I do this? please suggest to me some idea.
I want to show it like this:
class _StackedBarState extends State<StackedBar> {
late List<ExpenseData> _chartData;
late TooltipBehavior _tooltipBehavior;
void initState() {
_chartData = getChartData();
_tooltipBehavior = TooltipBehavior(enable: true);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SfCartesianChart(
title: ChartTitle(text: "Chart Title"),
legend: Legend(isVisible: true),
tooltipBehavior: _tooltipBehavior,
series: <ChartSeries>[
StackedBarSeries<ExpenseData, String>(
dataSource: _chartData,
xValueMapper: (ExpenseData exp, _) => exp.expenseCategory,
yValueMapper: (ExpenseData exp, _) => exp.father,
dataLabelSettings: DataLabelSettings(isVisible:true, showCumulativeValues: true),
name: 'father',color: Colors.green,width: 0.4 ,
markerSettings: MarkerSettings(isVisible: true)),
StackedBarSeries<ExpenseData, String>(
dataSource: _chartData,
xValueMapper: (ExpenseData exp, _) => exp.expenseCategory,
yValueMapper: (ExpenseData exp, _) => exp.mother,
dataLabelSettings: DataLabelSettings(isVisible:true, showCumulativeValues: true),
name: "Mother",color: Colors.yellowAccent,width: 0.4 ,
markerSettings: MarkerSettings(isVisible: true)),
StackedBarSeries<ExpenseData, String>(
dataSource: _chartData,
xValueMapper: (ExpenseData exp, _) => exp.expenseCategory,
yValueMapper: (ExpenseData exp, _) => exp.son,
dataLabelSettings: DataLabelSettings(isVisible:true, showCumulativeValues: true),
name: "son",color: Colors.red,width: 0.4 ,
markerSettings: MarkerSettings(isVisible: true)),
StackedBarSeries<ExpenseData, String>(
dataSource: _chartData,
xValueMapper: (ExpenseData exp, _) => exp.expenseCategory,
yValueMapper: (ExpenseData exp, _) => exp.daughter,
dataLabelSettings: DataLabelSettings(isVisible:true, showCumulativeValues: true),
name: 'daughter',color: Colors.orange,width: 0.4 ,
markerSettings: MarkerSettings(isVisible: true)),
primaryXAxis: CategoryAxis(),
List<ExpenseData> getChartData() {
final List<ExpenseData> charData = [
ExpenseData('others', 55, 30, 65, 80),
ExpenseData('gaurav shankar', 25, 40, 56, 75),
ExpenseData('bal kishor', 15, 50, 36, 89),
ExpenseData('shashi singh', 45, 60, 56, 89),
ExpenseData('santosh kumar', 30, 10, 60, 90),
return charData;
class ExpenseData {
final String expenseCategory;
final num father;
final num mother;
final num son;
final num daughter;
Just set the Legend.position
to LegendPosition.top
like so:
legend: Legend(isVisible: true, position: LegendPosition.top),
This is the result: