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NSView change type of property animation

I have an NSButton that I'd like to animate when I call [button setHidden: NO]; However, I don't want the default fade animation, I'd like a slide-from-left animation instead.

I'm sure it's not that complicated, but I'm struggling to find the right location in the docs. Any suggestions?


  • Looks like the correct answer to add a custom animation to the layer, and then just set the property, instead of using the default animator for the property:

    CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
    [animation setDuration: 0.2];
    [animation setType: kCATransitionMoveIn];
    [animation setSubtype: kCATransitionFromRight];
    [animation setTimingFunction: [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut]];   
    [[button layer] addAnimation: animation forKey: @"slidebutton"];
    [button setHidden: NO];

    Still not 100% clear what the difference is on Mac OS X between kCATransitionFade and kCATransitionReveal.