I'm using regex to search Google Cloud Logs for requests that are longer than 1000ms
Here are some example requests:
textPayload: "GET /getUser 200 - - 5380.879 ms",
textPayload: "GET /getUser 200 - - 34.879 ms",
Here is the search I'm using:
textPayload =~ "^(GET)|(POST).*[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]|\d{4,}(\sms)$"
I only want to return the one that ends with a value of over 1000.000 ms
but my regex doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?
You need to use
textPayload =~ "^(?:GET|POST).* ([1-9]\d{3,}(?:\.\d+)?)\sms$"
See the regex demo.
- start of string(?:GET|POST)
- any zero or more chars other than line break chars as many as possible and then a space([1-9]\d{3,}(?:\.\d+)?)
- Group 1: a non-zero digit, then three or more digits and then an optional sequence of a .
and then one or more digits\s
- a whitespacems
- ms
- end of string.