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C# Excel Dialog color palette

how can I address an Excel dialog for the color palette via C# so that the user can select a cell color, for example?

In VBA this could be done with the following code:

If Application.Dialogs(84).Show <> False Then
        varColor = .Cells(3, enuFormatting.CellColor).Interior.Color
        'Convert Color to RGB
        modul.Color_RGB varColor, intRed, intGreen, intBlue
        Me.lbl_FormatFont.BackColor = RGB(intRed, intGreen, intBlue)
    End If

 Public Sub Color_RGB(ByVal varColor As Variant, ByRef intRed As Integer, ByRef intGreen As Integer, ByRef intBlue As Integer)
    'Convert color index to RGB
    On Error Resume Next
    intRed = varColor Mod 256
    varColor = (varColor - intRed) / 256
    intGreen = varColor Mod 256
    varColor = (varColor - intGreen) / 256
    intBlue = varColor Mod 256
End Sub



  • You may get the collection of all the Dialog objects in Microsoft Excel:

    Application excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
    Dialogs dialogs = excel.Dialogs;

    and then you get the xlDialogPatterns and invoke the Show() method:
