I have a MIP (BP, maximization) that takes too long to compute and I'd like to have MPSolver return the first feasible solution it finds, also, I'd like to know if I use RELATIVE_MIP_GAP solver parameter correctly.
I have tried two things:
I have searched the docs and have not found a callback possibility for MPSolver's solution iteration process (only for CpSolver) with which one could implement stopping on the first feasible solution found.
I tried using RELATIVE_MIP_GAP like so (this is Kotlin language):
val mpSolverParameters = MPSolverParameters().apply {
setDoubleParam(MPSolverParameters.DoubleParam.RELATIVE_MIP_GAP, 1.0)
I've seen as a documentation comment somewhere that a 0.05 value for RELATIVE_MIP_GAP means a 5% gap, so 1.0 should denote a 100% gap.
But it did not work. I know it because when I have set a time limit, it returned a solution at the end of the time limit, but when I ran the same problem without a time limit, it just went on and did not return anything even after much more time than when it stopped at the time limit previously.
If I understand relative gaps correctly, if I set a value of 1.0 for this relative gap parameter, the solver should stop at any feasible solution found immediately, because the objective value of any integer solution is inside a 100% relative difference of the objective value for any continuous state of the variables. I should add that my objective function is always positive, so there's no problem of these two having different signs.
solver.setSolverSpecificParametersAsString("limits/solutions = 1")
to get the first feasible solution, but that will be a poor quality one. We may increase this value passed as we see fit.setTimeLimit(timeInMs)
on your solver object. It will return the best feasible solution found so far, or the unsolved state if no solution has been found at all.can you try CP-SAT ? Does it fit there ? meaning no continuous variables.
Can you remove the objective function ?