I am looking for some guidance.
I have a data form field which I am inserting into a table and am looking to association the data with the id's of other relevant data. I was wondering if there was recommended way to insert an array of relevant Id's in relation to the information I am referring too.
Below is what Im thinking...
Eg. php reads
$name = $_POST['name'];
$info = $_POST['information'];
$id = $_POST['id'];
$family = array();
$select = "SELECT *
FROM `names_family`
WHERE `name` LIKE '$name'
LIMIT 0 , 30";
$selected = mysql_query($select, $connection);
die("Hal 9000 says: Dave the select family name ID query failed " . mysql_error());}
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($selected)){
$familyId = $row[0];
$familyName = $row[1];
array_push($family, $familyName => $familyId);
$insertInfo = "INSERT INTO `family_info`.`info`
(`name`, `info`, `family`)
'$name', '$info', '$family');";
$insertedInfo = mysql_query($insertInfo, $connection);
die("Hal 9000 says: Dave the insert info query failed " . mysql_error());}
Is this a recommended way to relate information? Or is another way to achieve the same result?
there is another way
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($selected)){
$familyId = $row[0];
$familyName = $row[1];
$insertInfo = "INSERT INTO `family_info`.`info`
(`name`, `info`, `family`)
'$name', '$info', '$family');";