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Code::Blocks Debugger : how to `step into` functions on line-by-line execution?

When debugging a C++ program on Code::Blocks 20.03, I press SHIFT+F7 to step into the program, then I begin pressing F7 to go to the next line and watch variables changing in "real time".

But Code::Blocks 20.03's debugger won't enter any functions beside main, making it pretty useless, or forcing me to not use any function besides main (a bad programming practice).

How can I make Code::Blocks 20.03's debugger enter the functions too?


    1. Set a breakpoint (red circle) exactly on the line the function main is defined;
    2. Instead of pressing F8 (the same as clicking Debug->Start/Continue), which would make the program just run until the last line and exit (only flashing on the screen before disappearing), press Shift+F7 (the same as clicking Debug->Step Into), in order to make the debugger enter the function and not just run it completely and return its result;
    3. Press F7 (the same as clicking Debug->Next line) to keep watching the program run "step-by-step";
    4. When any other function is called, and the debugger is on that line (yellow arrow), you may enter that other function too, by repeating step 2.

    Reference: ImageCraft - CodeBlocks Debugger Functions.

    Source Line Stepping

    Once paused, you can continue execution:

    • Debug->Start/Continue runs the program until the next breakpoint.
    • Debug->next line runs the program until the next source line. If the current source line contains a function call, it will “step over” the function call.
    • Debug->Step into will “step into” a function call, and pause at the next source line.
    • Debug->Step out will continue program execution until the function call returns to its caller.
    • Debug->Next instruction and Debug->Step into instruction are assembly debugging commands, and should not be used within the CodeBlocks IDE. Instead, the corresponding commands in the ADT should be used.