I am trying to import a data frame into a pdf. Here is the first 3 rows:
Description Unit Price Quantity Unnamed: 0 VAT % Amount VAT
0 Ground Handling Fee 2,000.00 1 occ NaN 15% 2,000.00 300.00
1 After Hours Surcharge 1,000.00 1 occ NaN 15% 1,000.00 150.00
2 VIP Lounge child Departure Access 125.00 2 pax NaN 15% 250.00 37.50
I got the df.columns:
Index(['Description Unit Price', 'Quantity', 'VAT %', 'Amount', 'VAT'], dtype='object')
So clearly there is a column named 'Description Unit Price'?
There is the function that I have wrote (with the help of yt):
def df_to_pdf(pdf, df):
table_cell_width = 25
table_cell_height = 6
pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 8)
df = df.reset_index()
cols = df.columns
for col in cols:
pdf.cell(table_cell_width, table_cell_height, col, align='C', border=1)
pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 6)
for row in df.itertuples():
for col in cols:
value = str(getattr(row, col))
pdf.cell(table_cell_width, table_cell_height, value, align='C', border=1)
df_to_pdf(pdf, df)
The error:
File "C:\Users\User\PycharmProjects\pythonProject1\invoice_model\result.py", line 300, in df_to_pdf
value = str(getattr(row, col))
AttributeError: 'Pandas' object has no attribute 'Description Unit Price'
Can someone help? Is it because of spaces or mistake in using getattr (my first time using it) P.S. I dropped the NaN column
in value = str(getattr(row, col))
use value = str(row[col])
but u dont need iterate over columns, rows are like dict
for row in df.itertuples():
for col in row:
print(col, row[col])