I am currently running a function using python's concurrent.futures library. It looks like this (I am using Python 3.10.1 ):
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
future_results = [executor.submit(f.get_pdf_multi_thread, ssn) for ssn in ssns]
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_results):
except Exception as exc:
# If there is one exception in a thread stop all threads
for future in future_results:
raise exc
The aim of this is that, if there is any exception in one of the threads, stop the remaining ones and throw exception. However I don't know if this is doing what it's supposed to do (sometimes it takes a lot of time to throw the exception that I desire and some other times it throws it quickly). Could you help me with this? Thank you
Following Olvin Roght advice I've successfully managed to complete the task
list(executor.map(f.get_pdf_multi_thread, ssns))