after working for a whole day on this with no success, I might get some help here.
I implemented a splitString function in Coq: It takes a String (In my case a list ascii
) and a function f: ascii->bool
. I want to return a list of strings (In my case a list (list ascii)
) containing all the substrings. This means that the input string has been split at all ascii
s where f is true. Note that my output also includes the delimiter as a string (list ascii
) of length 1.
My first question: exists this function in a library somewhere? Many other, non-functional, programming languages I know includes this function in the default library.
I didn't found something, so I implemented it by myself:
Fixpoint split_string (f: ascii->bool) (z s: list ascii): list (list ascii) :=
match s with
| [] => [rev z]
| h::t => match f h with
| true => ([rev z]++[[h]])++(split_string f [] t)
| false => (split_string f (h::z) t)
The function needs to be called with an empty z, like Compute split_string isWhite [] some_string.
The clue of that List z
is that the current string gets saved in it until a delimiter is found, then the whole string z
gets returned. I don't see another way of solving this.
The problem with the List z
is that, when it comes to proofing, it makes trouble.
I want to proove that, when the output of the splitString function gets flattened (in coq with concat
) it is equal to the input, because the splitString method does not remove information. I formulated a theorem:
Theorem not_more_not_less_splitWhite: forall (s: list ascii),
s = concat (split_string isWhite [] s).
But every time when I try to solve this with induction, I get stuck because the List z
is not empty anymore (since one char which is not white has been processed). Then I can never apply the induction hypothesis. This is how far I've made it:
Proof. intros s. induction s.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct isWhite eqn:W.
* simpl. rewrite <- IHs. reflexivity.
I found myself in willing to induce in s a second time, but I think this is bullshit and does not use the power of induction. So, if the answer to my first question is no, my second question is how do I solve this, or is there a better implementation for splitString.
Thank You!
Here is a proof of your theorem:
Goal forall p l buf, rev buf ++ l = concat (split_string p buf l).
induction l as [ | a l IHl].
- intro; now cbn.
- cbn; case_eq (p a); intro Ha.
+ intro buf; repeat rewrite concat_cons; now rewrite <- IHl.
+ intro buf; rewrite <- IHl; cbn; now rewrite <- app_assoc.
Please note that it worked thanks to the universal quantification on buf
in the induction hypothesis. It was made easier thanks to the order of
quantifications in the goal statement.
Ana's statement can be proved the same way, with a small bookkeeping sequence before the induction:
Goal forall p buf l, rev buf ++ l = concat (split_string p buf l).
intros p buf l; revert buf.
induction l as [ | a l IHl].
(* ... *)