Hello i have the below CucumberOptions on my Junit Runner:
@CucumberOptions(plugin = {"pretty", "json:target/cucumber_parallel.json", "junit:target/cucumber_parallel-junit-report.xml",
"rerun:target/failed_scenarios/failed_parallel_once.txt", "timeline:target/timeline"},
features = {"classpath:features/parallel"},
tags = "(not @Ignored)",
glue = {"com.intrasoft.swp.trader.stepdefs"},
monochrome = true)
and we use maven command to execute the suites
mvn clean test -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@one"
right now the tag passed from the Terminal command overwrites the one set on Junit.
what I would is that when filter.tags are set on the maven command the filter that will be used is
@one and (not @Ignored)
the concatenations of both filters.
i would like this because user execute it manually and forgot to specify the @Ignored
It is not possible. Cucumber runner cannot merge options from different sources. It loads options from 4 sources:
Each time on a given step it completely overrides the values configured on previous step.