I installed FFmpeg using Chocolatey and confirmed that it is the latest version. In order to convert the png file into an avif file, I gave the command as below in the cmd window of the administrator's authority.
ffmpeg -i input.png output.avif
Naturally, there are no characters in the file directory other than the ASCII code. The following error codes were issued:
[NULL @ 00000211e91fd800] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'output.avif'
output.avif: Invalid argument
And I tried googling a few times.
etc. in other googling, there were no meaningful results.
Anyway, AVIF is supported on these sites.
I tried to write commands as they were required, but the command ffmpeg -i image.png -c:v libaom-av1 -still-picture 1 image.avif
provided by the avif.io site did not work with the following error codes left below.
Unrecognized option 'still-picture'.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found
AVIF is such a recent format that I don't even know if it's really supported by FFmpeg. It is sure? What should I do? And if FFmpeg does not support AVIF, what can be a substitute?
Yes, AVIF muxing support was added on 13th May 2022 to the master branch. So you need a git build since that date. Or wait for v5.1 which should be out in a few days.