First of all, this is not a new question. My question is actually a follow up question to one of the answers provided by gWiz. The link to his post/answer is here:
Multiple models sent to a single view instance
Another way to do this would be not to strongly-type the view and master pages in the page directive, but instead make use of the generic type-based ViewData extensions from MVC Contrib. These extensions basically use the fully-qualified type name as the ViewData dictionary key. Effectively, the typing benefits are the same as the strongly-typed page approach, with less class overhead in terms of the number of view model classes required. Then in your actions you do
ViewData.Add<Car>(car); ViewData.Add<LayoutAData>(layoutAData);
and in the views you do
<%= ViewData.Get<Car>().Color %>
and in the master page you do
<%= ViewData.Get<LayoutAData>().Username %>
You could cache these Get<> calls inline in the views to mitigate the cost of casting multiple times.
My question is specifically about the last comment: How would one go about "caching" the get calls in the View? Doesn't the view get destroyed and created each time?
I did try searching for examples but maybe I wasn't asking the right question?
What he might be saying is that instead of
<%= ViewData.Get<Car>().Color %>
<%= ViewData.Get<Car>().Make %>
You assign it to a variable and use the variable later
<% var car = ViewData.Get<Car>(); %>
<%= car.Color %>
<%= car.Make %>