i'm looking for a possibility to log messages in my flex 4.5 Project. This should cover errormessages in remoteClasses, errorHandler or messages typing by hand. After reading a lot of webpages, the solution from parslay looks good. i want to switch to this framework anyway.
the benefit is the possibility to configure the logging behavior at runtime. but i don't understand the documentation. perhaps because I'm brandnew in parsley. Also google has no fitting result.
Do you have already did this and it is possible for you to give me a few code snippets. Thanks a lot
EDIT: Because of J_A_X justified criticism, i add my code, because i have partially succeeded.
First we need a config file, because i want to configure the logging behavior in runtime. This is a simple xml-file in the project root.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<log:target level="info" type="components.SocketTarget">
This is my Application:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
import mx.controls.Label;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import mx.logging.Log;
import org.spicefactory.lib.logging.LogContext;
import org.spicefactory.parsley.flex.logging.FlexLoggingXmlSupport;
protected function onAppInitiallize(event:FlexEvent):void
protected function button1_clickHandler():void
<parsley:XmlConfig file="config.xml"/>
<s:Button click="button1_clickHandler()" label="SendLogToParsley" />
At this point, the logging will work in the console of the flex builder, because parsley uses by default the TraceTarget. Now, i want to send my Logfiles to a socket. I wrote a litte rough SocketTarget.
package de.axurit.components
import flash.net.Socket;
import mx.logging.AbstractTarget;
import mx.logging.LogEvent;
import mx.logging.targets.LineFormattedTarget;
public class SocketTarget extends AbstractTarget
private var _host:String;
private var _port:int;
private var _socket:Socket;
public function SocketTarget(host:String = "localhost",port:int=8085)
_host = host;
_port = port;
_socket = new Socket (host,port);
override public function logEvent (event:LogEvent):void
trace ("logevent" + event.message);
_socket.writeUTF(event.message + String.fromCharCode(13));
In the parsley documentation i can see the comment
The default target type created by this tag is a TraceTarget. You can explicitly declare other target types:
If i add the type-attribute, i receive a Errormessage "One or more errors in BootstrapProcessor". The same as i received after a typo.
Can you give me some hints, how i can send my logs to a socket destination?
You're creating the socket, but never actually connect it. Plus, if you're going to make a log target, make your class extend trace target and override the log function.