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Why htaccess not working for mobile browser?

I have website ( try to RewriteRule short url to app.php page .

So if user browse "" will show "" page

RewriteRule ^/app /app.php [L,R=301]

It's work on Computer , but on mobile browser give me 404 page

Any ideas


  • That probably is what you are looking for:

    RewriteRule ^/?app /app.php [L]

    The documentation clearly says, that the pattern in a RewriteRule get's applied to the relative path of the request if the rule is implemented inside a distributed configuration file. That means you actually want to match the path app and not /app here. Which is why your rule did not get applied. The ^/?app is a variant to accept both path notations, relative and absolut, which means the same rule can get implemented in the central configuration or likewise in a distributed configuration file (".htaccess").

    I took the liberty to also remove the external redirection you showed ("R=301") since that most likely is not what you want, according to the phrasing of your question. Instead you want an internal rewrite .

    You need to take care however that you do not implement a rewriting loop. Which would result in failing requests and an "internal server error" (http status 500).

    One approach would be that:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^/?app$ /app.php [L]

    Here another one:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^/?app /app.php [L]

    Why things looked fine on your computer, but not on a mobile browser is unclear. Since the same rules get applied and the requests look the same there has to be another reason for that. I suspect you looked at a cached result of a previous attempt somewhere. Remember to always use a fresh anonymous browser window when testing. And to check the response you receive back inside your browsers network console.