What I'm trying to do is map the CodeOT to each object in my payload such as :
null/0 get the value 1 1 to 5 get the value 2 and 6 to 9 get the value 3
I am lost in how to do it as I'm new to dataweave
example of payload :
"refSig" : "0110443372",
"refSig" : "0000443942",
"refSig" : "0117243942",
the conversion table is provided and must be used as is, here's a part of it
"CodeSap": null,
"Libelle": "",
"CodeOT": 1
"CodeSap": 0,
"Libelle": "Elle a demandé un délai de paiement",
"CodeOT": 1
"CodeSap": 1,
"Libelle": "Elle a des factures SATD",
"CodeOT": 2
"CodeSap": 2,
"Libelle": "Elle a des factures remises à l’huissier",
"CodeOT": 2
I need to map the CodeOT from the conversion table to the indSap from the payload using CodeSap
I started doing this but it doesn't seem to lead me anywhere
%dw 2.0
output application/json
lignesOK : payload map (item, index) -> {
bf: item mapObject (value, key) -> {
(key): value,
codeOt: varTable map (it,val) ->{
expected output for the example of the payload above is :
"refSig" : "0110443372",
"refSig" : "0000443942",
"refSig" : "0117243942",
Assuming that the input and table are arrays and that entries in the table are unique per CodeSap
the following script works, though the output is a bit different than expected because of the incomplete table provided:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
var varTable=[{
"CodeSap": null,
"Libelle": "",
"CodeOT": 1
"CodeSap": 0,
"Libelle": "Elle a demandé un délai de paiement",
"CodeOT": 1
"CodeSap": 1,
"Libelle": "Elle a des factures SATD",
"CodeOT": 2
"CodeSap": 2,
"Libelle": "Elle a des factures remises à l’huissier",
"CodeOT": 2
payload map (item, index) -> {
refSig: item.refSig,
codeOt: (varTable filter (item.indSap == $.CodeSap))[0].CodeOT
"refSig": "0110443372",
"codeOt": null
"refSig": "0000443942",
"codeOt": 1
"refSig": "0117243942",
"codeOt": 1