Hello i'm trying to insert data to db that have to be split in 2 related tables. For now i'm using some dummy values.
Table 1:
Schema::create('orders_grid', function (Blueprint $table) {
Table 2:
Schema::create('orders_detail', function (Blueprint $table) {
Model 1:
protected $fillable = [
public function order_detail()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\OrderDetail');
Model 2:
protected $fillable = [
public function order_grid()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\OrderGrid');
function importData(Request $request) {
'uploaded_file' => 'required|file|mimes:xls,xlsx'
$excel_file = $request->file('uploaded_file');
$data_grid = [];
$data_detail = [];
$file = IOFactory::load($excel_file->getRealPath());
// grid data from excel
$data_grid['codice_cliente'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B3')->getValue();
$data_grid['codice_destinazione'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('G3')->getValue();
$data_grid['data_ordine'] = '2022-07-15 15:32:04';
//$data_grid['data_ordine'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B4')->getValue();
$data_grid['data_richiesta'] = '2022-06-15';//$file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B5')->getValue();
$data_grid['note_consegna'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('G5')->getValue();
// grid data static
$data_grid['id_agente'] = 1;
$data_grid['canale'] = 'B';
$data_grid['tipologia'] = 'O';
$data_grid['edi_id'] = 1;
$data_grid['edi_company'] = 'C';
$data_grid['edi_doctype'] = 'D';
$data_grid['jde_id'] = 2;
$data_grid['jde_company'] = 'E';
$data_grid['jde_doctype'] = 'F';
$data_grid['stato_ordine'] = 1;
$data_grid['total_order'] = 99.99;
// details data
$data_detail['codice_articolo'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('A9')->getValue();
$data_detail['quantita'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('B9')->getValue();
// details data static
// $data_detail['order_id'] = ;
$data_detail['nr_riga'] = 50;
$data_detail['prezzo'] = 99.9999;
// $data_excel['Riferimento_ordine_cliente'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('G4')->getValue();
// $data_excel['Codice_prezzo_gruppo_1'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('D9')->getValue();
// $data_excel['Codice_prezzo_gruppo_2'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('E9')->getValue();
// $data_excel['Codice_prezzo_gruppo_3'] = $file->getActiveSheet()->getCell('F9')->getValue();
$validator = Validator::make([$data_grid, $data_detail], [
'codice_cliente' => 'max:15',
'codice_destinazione' => 'max:15',
'data_ordine' => 'max:15',
'data_richiesta' => 'max:15',
'note_consegna' => 'max:15',
'id_agente' => 'max:15',
'canale' => 'max:15',
'tipologia' => 'max:15',
'edi_id' => 'max:15',
'edi_company' => 'max:15',
'edi_doctype' => 'max:15',
'jde_id' => 'max:15',
'jde_company' => 'max:15',
'jde_doctype' => 'max:15',
'stato_ordine' => 'max:15',
'total_order' => 'max:15',
'codice_articolo' => 'max:15',
'quantita' => 'max:15',
//'order_id' => 'max:15',
'nr_riga' => 'max:15',
'prezzo' => 'max:15',
], [
'max' => 'Max :max characters allowed for the ":Attribute"',
'required' => 'The :attribute is required!!!',
if ($validator->fails()) {
return redirect()
} else {
return redirect()->back()->with('message', 'File caricato correttamente!');
Why does it expect a default value if it has to get the id from orders_grid table which is related to? If i add some dummy value like 1 in // $data_detail['order_id'] = ; i don't get errors. But i need there the related ID
Just update on last else condition in the controller
else {
$insert_id = DB::table('orders_grid')->insertGetId($data_grid);
$data_detail['order_id'] = $insert_id;
return redirect()->back()->with('message', 'File caricato correttamente!');