How would I get all the list of services that are running on linux and print their versions?
It needs to be a combination of:
To get a list of running Services:
systemctl list-units -t service --state=active --plain --no-legend --no-page
grab the name of each service and run:
rpm -q <service package name>
then get a table or json or csv kinda output:
nginx.service 1:1.20.1-2.el7
I am thinking of writing a python script to do this but I thought I would ask here in case there is a more linux/bash way of doing it with less effort.
/bin/systemctl list-units -t service --state=active --plain --no-legend --no-page |
awk -F[@\.] '{print $1}'
while read -r service;do
rpm -q "$service" --qf '%{NAME}.service;%{VERSION}\n'
done < <(listServices)|grep -v "not installed"
echo '['
while read -r service;do
rpm -q "$service" --qf '{"name": "%{NAME}.service", "version": "%{VERSION}"\},\n'
done < <(listServices)|grep -v "not installed" |sed '$s/,$//'
echo ']'
"name": "dbus.service",
"version": "1.10.24"
"name": "firewalld.service",
"version": "0.6.3"