my question is why are vscode npm commands opening in new cmd/node window instead of inside vscode terminal. Since installing NVM to make updating node easier I found that when I run any command in vs code terminal window like:
npm run start
npm run build
npm test
They all open up a new cmd window instead of running within the vs terminal like I'm sure they use to!? It's super annoying as the cmd windows get in the way, especially when running a js watch script. They also periodically pop up when I'm working is vs code for some random reason. I uninstall node and vscode and removed all dependencies and started from scratch but still had the same behaviour
I couldn't find an answer on SO or google, Does anyone know why this is or more importantly how to ensure the commands run in vscode terminal stay there, thanks in advance
oh wow !...I really am a muppet, it turns out the fix was as simple as this :
Visual studio code runs NPM outside integrated terminal
sigh I really wish id known that before wasting hours of my life trying to fix it