I am looking to how to implement the collections-not for Marklogic TDE.
The equivalent one for the CTS query is
According to TDE documentation, it only supports AND, OR collections. I am looking for NOT collections with TDE schema.
EDIT: I changed the sample from: '.. = "include"..' to '... != "exclude"...' They both work. However, for the context of the question, not-equal makes more sense in an example.
As odd as it seems, the feature that you are asking for is not available. However, there is a way to make use of the context that can help you. First of all, it is still good to set a collection or collection scope so that we minimize the sample set to analyze the context path.
The approach is to use xPath and xQuery on the context as a filter.
Below is a working sample for Query Console. Please not the ';' in the code as it is a multi-statement sample.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $_ := xdmp:document-insert("/llamas/Jalliue.xml", <llama><name>Jalliue</name></llama>, map:new()=>map:with("collections", ("llama", "include")))
let $_ := xdmp:document-insert("/llamas/Sven.xml", <llama><name>Sven</name></llama>, map:new()=>map:with("collections", ("llama", "exclude")))
return ();
let $docs := (fn:doc("/llamas/Jalliue.xml"), fn:doc("/llamas/Sven.xml"))
let $template :=
<template xmlns="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/tde">
<description>llama list</description>
<context>/llama[xdmp:node-collections(.) != "exclude"]</context>
return tde:node-data-extract($docs, $template)
The result shows that both documents were considered, but only the one with the collection "include" is parsed.
"/llamas/Jalliue.xml": [
"row": {
"schema": "llama",
"view": "list",
"data": {
"rownum": "1",
"name": "Jalliue"
"/llamas/Sven.xml": []