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TeamCity CI integration between local projects

I have two projects A,B with their own build chains defined in their local .teamcity folders. In addition, A contains a dependency on B which I want to test. How do I set up a build chain that incorporates both of these individual builds such that, when B changes I test integration with A's master branch? I imagine I would first set up a second VCS root in B directed at the master branch of A such that the project structure on the agent looks as follows:

|-- A
|   `-- .teamcity
|       |-- settings.kts
|       `-- /kotlin_code
`-- B
    `-- .teamcity
        |-- settings.kts
        `-- /kotlin_code

But I have no idea how to automatically combine project settings from A into the B build chain. I perhaps could jerry-rig some checkout rule +:A/.teamcity/kotlin_code => B/.teamcity/kotlin_code_A and pick this up in B but this seems rather inelegant. I could also place all teamcity configuration in a separate repo, but then I lose revision control between A's codebase and its teamcity configuration. Is there a better solution? Many thanks!


  • The best answer I have found is to define a finish build trigger that starts when the previous build completes and send a reverse dependency back through the build chain to allowing builds to be customized.