I want to decompose a part like this, into an array of x rows and y columns, and then do the operations. Mainly use the loop statement (for). Do you guys have a similar example? thank you all very much.
just be like:
for i in 1:n-1 loop
for j in 1:m-1 loop
T[i+1,j] = T[i,j]+something+...;
T[i,j+1] = ...;
end for;
end for;
The best example I could find is the following: Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Basic.M_Transformer
, although the loop is "only" in the initial equation section.
What is more common, is to use loops in connect statements, like in Modelica.Electrical.Batteries.BaseClasses.BaseStackWithSensors
. But that will likely not be a good fit for your task.
Some general advise: