I have attributes that start the same but have a different end. For example "Process.205", "Process.101".
Originally I'm using it like this but this is only for an exact name
public string XmlFindSurveyName(XElement pageContents, XNamespace nameSpace)
var docName = "";
var datasets = pageContents.Descendants(nameSpace + "Shape").Where(x => (string)x.Parent.Parent.Attribute("Name") == "CFF Container.25");
foreach (var data in datasets)
var text = data.Element(nameSpace + "Text");
if (text != null)
docName = data.Element(nameSpace + "Text").Value;
return docName;
My attempt at trying to get any that start with "CFF Container" looks like the below but errors
public string XmlFindSurveyName(XElement pageContents, XNamespace nameSpace)
var docName = "";
var datasets = pageContents.Descendants(nameSpace + "Shape").Where(x => x.Parent.Parent.Attribute("Name").Value.StartsWith("CFF Container"));
foreach (var data in datasets)
var text = data.Element(nameSpace + "Text");
if (text != null)
docName = data.Element(nameSpace + "Text").Value;
return docName;
The below is the XML (I've cut some of it off cus its quite long)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
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Test Doc
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Test Page
I think I can chain my way down and have this work without the ".Parent" but it would be a lot easier to work with if there is a way to keep that as it lets me do it all in one go. Though I'm starting to think maybe by doing it this way I'm making it harder than it needs to be
Your issue is that x.Parent.Parent.Attribute("Name")
doesn't exist for the first Shape
in your Xml. The parent of the parent is PageContents
root of the document and that doesn't have a Name
You could solve easily like this:
var datasets =
.Descendants(nameSpace + "Shape")
.Where(x => x.Parent.Parent.Name == nameSpace + "Shape")
.Where(x => x.Parent.Parent.Attribute("Name").Value.StartsWith("CFF Container"));
You can also write your whole code like this:
public string XmlFindSurveyName(XElement pageContents, XNamespace nameSpace) =>
from shape in pageContents.Descendants(nameSpace + "Shape")
where shape.Parent.Parent.Name == nameSpace + "Shape"
where shape.Parent.Parent.Attribute("Name").Value.StartsWith("CFF Container")
where shape.Element(nameSpace + "Text") != null
select shape.Element(nameSpace + "Text").Value
).FirstOrDefault() ?? "";