I am storing data from Arduino to RaspberryPi. My code is working well, but the date-time and data are logging in the first column together (picture 1), although those are shown separately in the RaspberryPi display (picture 2). How can I log those in a seperate column? I attached my code here.
import time,datetime
from datetime import datetime
import csv
import serial
arduino_port = "/dev/ttyACM0"
baud = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(arduino_port, baud)
print("Connected to Arduino port:" + arduino_port)
file = open(fileName, "a")
print("Created file")
samples =float('inf')
print_labels = False
line = 0
print('Press Ctrl-C to quit...')
print('Time, CO2(ppm), Temp(C), Humi(%), Vis, IR, UV, pH')
print('-' *85)
while line <= samples:
d=datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
if print_labels:
if line==0:
print("Printing Column Headers")
print("Line " + str(line) + ": writing...")
data=getData [1:] [1:-5]
print(d, data)
file = open(fileName, "a")
file.write(d+ data+ "\n")
line = line+1
try adding a comma after the Date-time string to separate the data to another column? The date-time and data appear to be separate in the RaspberryPi, but not comma separated, thus both are in the same column.
Try this -
file.write(d + "," + data + "\n")