I am currently writing a code that accepts user inputs. However, I intend to put in an option such that if the user made an error, they may restart the process again by typing in a specific input. And I'm hoping that the code clears all previous input from the namespace:
For example
name = input("what is your name: ")
age = input("how old are you:? ")
## if the user realizes that they put in the wrong name and wish to restart the process, they may input "restart"
if age == 'restart':
### I don't know what code to put here.
#I'd continue the rest of my codes
I'd greatly appreciate any tips.
import os
while True:
os.system('clear') #we imported "os" for this built-in function
name = input("Enter your name: ")
age = input("how old are you:? ")
if age == 'restart': #if user inputs 'restart' we head back to the start of the loop
input("Press Enter Key to Continue...")
# Rest of the code goes here