How can I fetch public IP address for compute instances created by google_compute_instance_template using terraform.
google_compute_instance_template There is no attribute to get name of the compute instances created . I can see only name_prefix which will be suffixed with some random string.
I was thinking of using google_compute_instance data source which as attribute network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip
, but it requires compute instance name.
data "google_compute_instance" "appserver" {
name = "primary-application-server"
zone = "us-central1-a"
Below is the code I am using , I am attaching compute instance group manager to the backend service of a load balancer. I need the public ip of the instance for connecting to SQL database
resource "google_compute_region_instance_group_manager" "mig" {
project = var.project
name = "${}-instance-group"
region = var.region
version {
instance_template =
name = "primary"
named_port {
name = "https"
port = 443
base_instance_name = "${}-mig"
target_size = var.instance_count
resource "google_compute_instance_template" "instance_template" {
name_prefix = "${}-instance"
project = var.project
machine_type = var.machine_type
labels = var.labels
tags = local.firewall_rules.target_tags
can_ip_forward = var.can_ip_forward
metadata_startup_script = file("${path.module}/${var.startup_script}")
region = var.region
#min_cpu_platform = var.min_cpu_platform
dynamic "disk" {
for_each = local.all_disks
content {
auto_delete = lookup(disk.value, "auto_delete", null)
boot = lookup(disk.value, "boot", null)
device_name = lookup(disk.value, "device_name", null)
disk_name = lookup(disk.value, "disk_name", null)
disk_size_gb = lookup(disk.value, "disk_size_gb", lookup(disk.value, "disk_type", null) == "local-ssd" ? "375" : null)
disk_type = lookup(disk.value, "disk_type", null)
interface = lookup(disk.value, "interface", lookup(disk.value, "disk_type", null) == "local-ssd" ? "NVME" : null)
mode = lookup(disk.value, "mode", null)
source = lookup(disk.value, "source", null)
source_image = lookup(disk.value, "source_image", null)
type = lookup(disk.value, "disk_type", null) == "local-ssd" ? "SCRATCH" : "PERSISTENT"
#labels = lookup(disk.value, "disk_labels", {})
dynamic "disk_encryption_key" {
for_each = compact([var.disk_encryption_key == null ? null : 1])
content {
kms_key_self_link = var.disk_encryption_key
dynamic "service_account" {
for_each = [var.service_account]
content {
email = lookup(service_account.value, "email", null)
scopes = lookup(service_account.value, "scopes", null)
dynamic "network_interface" {
for_each = var.network_interfaces
iterator = config
content {
network =
subnetwork = "projects/${var.project}/regions/${var.region}/subnetworks/${config.value.subnetwork}"
network_ip = try(config.value.addresses.internal, null)
dynamic "access_config" {
for_each = config.value.nat ? [""] : []
content {
nat_ip = try(config.value.addresses.external, null)
dynamic "alias_ip_range" {
for_each = local.network_interface_options[config.key].alias_ips != null ? local.network_interface_options[config.key].alias_ips : {}
iterator = config_alias
content {
subnetwork_range_name = config_alias.key
ip_cidr_range = config_alias.value
nic_type = local.network_interface_options[config.key].nic_type
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = "true"
# scheduling must have automatic_restart be false when preemptible is true.
scheduling {
automatic_restart = !var.options.preemptible
on_host_maintenance = local.on_host_maintenance
preemptible = var.options.preemptible
dynamic "shielded_instance_config" {
for_each = var.shielded_config != null ? [var.shielded_config] : []
iterator = config
content {
enable_secure_boot = config.value.enable_secure_boot
enable_vtpm = config.value.enable_vtpm
enable_integrity_monitoring = config.value.enable_integrity_monitoring
dynamic "confidential_instance_config" {
for_each = var.confidential_compute ? [""] : []
content {
enable_confidential_compute = true
I think this can be done by the following:
#Get the list of instances
data "google_compute_region_instance_group" "mig_data" {
name =
region = var.region
#Get each instance data
data "google_compute_instance" "intance_data" {
count = length(data.google_compute_region_instance_group.mig_data.instances)
self_link = data.google_compute_region_instance_group.mig_data.instances[count.index].instance
#Print the data needed
output "public_ips" {
value = [
for instance in data.google_compute_instance.intance_data:
[, instance.network_interface.0.access_config.0.nat_ip
Basically we need to get the list of instances created in the MIG using the data.google_compute_region_instance_group
and then iterate over this list to get the data for each instance.
I'm using output
just to print the IPs but of course you can use those values in any other resource if you want.