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How i can modify to Equipment tab of the screen Daily Field Report

I'm trying to modify the Equipment view, to be able to group the records. It groups it correctly with the new code I have modify, but when I insert a new record in the Equipment tab and I still don´t save the record , then I change the tab to Inventory and add a new record and then I change to the Equipment tab the record disappears.

I attach photos so you understand what I mean.

I need help since I have to validate so that the record in memory does not disappear when I change tabs.

I hope you can help me with issue, Thanks in advance

No modified code

enter image description here

with modified code

enter image description here

protected virtual IEnumerable equipment()
                PXCache cache = Base.Caches[typeof(EquipmentProjection)];
                EquipmentProjection filter = (EquipmentProjection)cache.Current;
                foreach (PXResult<EquipmentProjection> res in SelectFrom<EquipmentProjection>
                    EquipmentProjection equipment = res;
                    yield return equipment;
                yield return filter;
                cache.IsDirty = false;


  • Acumatica cannot handle a editable view that uses aggregation if I understand correctly. But for future reference you can use a PXDelegateCacheResult to make sure that the records get stored properly in the cache and do not dissapear.

      protected virtual IEnumerable equipment()
           var result = new PXDelegateCacheResult();
           var items =  SelectFrom<EquipmentProjection>
             foreach (PXResult<EquipmentProjection> res in items)
                 EquipmentProjection equipment = res;
             return result;