student_id INT,
name VARCHAR(24),
major VARCHAR(24),
PRIMARY KEY(student_id)
SELECT * FROM student;
INSERT INTO students VALUES(1,'Jack','Biology');
You're specifying the primary key (student_id) and from the error it already exists. You have a few options:
INSERT INTO students VALUES('Jack','Biology');
and then the table will autoincrement the primary key to the next pointer.
INSERT IGNORE INTO students VALUES(1, 'Jack','Biology');
This will not cause table changes, but it will also not cause an error that interrupts the script, and it will insert any rows that don't fail, say if you had multiple values inserted. The plain INSERT will fail for the entire list, not just the erroneous value.
INSERT INTO students VALUES(1, 'Jack','Biology')
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name = values(name), major = values(major);
In this case, you will change the values in the table that match the key. In this case, whichever student is student_id 1 will have its name and major updated to the supplied values. For instance, let's say that Jack changed his major to Chemistry. This would update student_id 1 to Jack, Chemistry and reflect his new major.