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Set UISlider.value to AVPlayer.currentTime

I am trying to set a UISlider's Value to a AVPlayer's Current Time.

I am trying to use this code audioPlayer.currentTime = nowPlayingSlider.value;

I am getting this error:
Setter method is needed to assign to object using property assignment syntax
How do I get this to work.


  • Here is how I handled this:

    -(IBAction) timeScrubberChange:(id) sender{
    CMTime t = CMTimeMake(self.nowPlayingTimeScrubber.value, 1);
    self.nowPlayingCurrentTime.text = [self formatTimeCodeAsString: t.value];
    self.nowPlayingDuration.text = [self formatTimeCodeAsString:(self.actualDuration - t.value)];
    [self.avPlayer seekToTime:t];                                