When I import Component
using a complete path, typescript compilation succeeds:
import { Component } from "../node_modules/@browser-modules/web.component/lib/component.js"
export class Pin extends Component {
Where Component
is a class which extends HTMLElement
export class Component extends HTMLElement {
However, when I import Component
using bare import, via paths compiler option, the typescript compiler fails to recognize the existence of HTMLElement
properties on Pin
import { Component } from "@browser-modules/web.component"
export class Pin extends Component {
Paths in compiler options:
"paths": {
compiler error:
To make sure I have specified the correct path, I changed the path to an invalid path as follows:
"paths": {
Now the typescript compiler cannot find the modules and also not the HTMLElement property:
It is obvious to me that the compiler should fail when I am using an invalid path.
However, when using the correct path, I would expect the typescript compiler to recognize Pin
extends Component
which extends HTMLElement
In summary, for some reason, when using bare import, via paths compiler option, typescript compiler fails to recognize properties of HTMLElement
in extended class Component
gitHub Repo where the complete path is used and compilation succeeds when executing npm test
am I missing something basic here?
Suggestion made by @tscpp:
Add "moduleResolution": "node" to typescript compiler options.
Work like a charm! Thanks!