I am building an app that will store multiple Nintendo consoles and their details (kinda like Mactracker but for Nintendo stuff).
I wanna store consoles that the user chooses in a favourites category on the main menu but I can't implement it correctly.
I have the main menu which shows the different categories as well as the favourite category which is duplicated for each category:
Each favourites "button" takes me to the favourites of only a specific category (the category beneath it) and I would like that all of them are in only one tab and not in multiple tabs like they are so far.
The favourites category is a bool defined in the Console List which will be listed below.
Thanks for the help and sorry if its a stupid question, I'm quite new to programming.
Main Menu:
struct MainMenu: View {
// Use categories ordered by alphabetical order
var categories = ConsoleList.categories.sorted(by: {$0.key < $1.key})
var body: some View {
// Loop on categories
List(categories, id:\.key){category in
// The NavigationLink that takes me to the favorites view
NavigationLink(destination: Favorites(con: category.value)){
Image(systemName: "heart")
NavigationLink(destination: ConsoleMenu(con: category.value), label:{
Image(systemName: "folder")
.frame(height: 30)
.padding(.vertical, 4)
Favourites menu:
struct Favorites: View {
var con: [ConsoleDetails]
var body: some View {
List(con){ cons in
if cons.favorites {
NavigationLink(destination: ConsoleDetailView(con: cons), label:{
.frame(height: 50)
.padding(.vertical, 4)
VStack (alignment: .leading){
if cons.category == "Game & Watch" {
struct favorites_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Favorites(con: ConsoleList.consoles)
The consoles list:
struct ConsoleDetails: Identifiable{
let id = UUID()
var imgName: String = ""
var consoleName: String = ""
var mostSoldGame: String = ""
var initialPrice: String = ""
var ReleaseDate: String = ""
var Discontinuation: String = ""
var category: String = ""
var estimatedPricedToday: String = ""
var cables: String = ""
var favorites: Bool
struct ConsoleList{
//The consoles list has more consoles usually but I'll only put one to save space
static var categories = Dictionary(grouping: consoles, by: {$0.category } )
static var favs = Dictionary(grouping: consoles, by: {$0.favorites} )
static var consoles = [
//Current Consoles
ConsoleDetails(imgName: "NS_OG",
consoleName: "Nintendo Switch",
mostSoldGame: "Mario Kart 8 Deluxe",
initialPrice: "299.99",
ReleaseDate: "Mar 3, 2017",
Discontinuation: "Still Available",
category: "Current Consoles",
estimatedPricedToday: "$200-250 used",
cables: "HDMI, USB Type-C",
favorites: true),
Edit: I have added what was proposed but I get an error in the nav link. See below:
Section {
// The NavigationLink that takes me to the favorites view
NavigationLink {
Favorites() // Right Here: Missing argument for parameter 'con' in call
} label: {
Image(systemName: "heart")
Section {
ForEach(categories, id: \.key){ category in
NavigationLink(destination: ConsoleMenu(con: category.value), label:{
Image(systemName: "folder")
.frame(height: 30)
.padding(.vertical, 4)
Instead of having the list loop over the categories, you could put a ForEach
in the List.
Then, you could have one favorites link, and put it in a different section to differentiate it.
List {
Section {
NavigationLink {
Favorites(con: /* (1) */ ConsoleList.consoles)
} label: { /* ... */ }
Section {
ForEach(categories, id: \.key) { category in
// ...
(1) You will also need to pass in a list of all the consoles to show.