I want to enforce do explicit declare a return type of all functions and methods in the code.
So I set '@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type': 'error'
But it's not always works:
This is okay, eslint
throws an error:
const obj = {
fn() { // <---- no return type, so "Missing return type on function" error
return 2;
This is NOT okay, eslint
see NO problems here:
const obj: Record<string, any> = { // <---- But if I declare a type of an object...
fn() { // <---- ...this is throws no error anymore!
return 2;
How can I make sure that there is no methods without explicit return type definition?
The rule you are using has an option called allowTypedFunctionExpressions
that can be explicitly set to false
to get what you want:
"rules": {
"@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": ["error", { "allowTypedFunctionExpressions": false }],